Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas is a time for makeing a fool of your self...

Last night I attending our team's Christmas night out which involved drinks at a local pub (good start), dinner in China Town (not traditional Christmas fare but okay) then a karaoke bar ! I've never done karaoke before and that evening made it very clear why. I really wasn't sure that I would have a good time but in then end, once several other people had made fools of themselves I relaxed into it and really enjoyed it. Can't say that I have am going to become a regular, but would definitely do it again, with the right crowd.

Just now I found something online that made me think about last night, but more than that just made me smile. So sit back and enjoy as the YouTube Community Choir present The 12 Days of Christmas.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

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