Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Hands up if you use one?...

It would appear that the concentrated effort we put onto sales has paid off and we now have lots of wonderful work, both for old and new clients. This is, of course, wonderful news but also a case of "be careful what you wish for!". I think that it will be a couple more weeks yet before things settle back down into a routine, it propbably wont be untill then that the new projects have been scoped enough to have a complete plan. I like having a plan (no laughing from the people in my office), makes me much more relaxed.

Got the team out of the office for a little while last week to a J2SE 5 presentation at the Sun offices here in London. There wasn't anything in the talk that was a surprise, but I haven't had much of a chance to look in detail at the new language features so this was a welcome walk through.

The highlight of the whole thing though must have been during the introduction where the "Technical Evangelist" from Sun told us exactly what topics he would be covering. One of these topics was Netbeans and, being the interactive kind of a guy that he was, he asked for a quick show of hands from people who used Netbeans.

Thank God Sun's cleaners are good otherwise there would have been tumble weed rolling through that room. Not a single hand went up. His response "Well that'll be a tough sell then..."