Saturday, November 26, 2005


I've been putting off writing this post for a lot longer than I should have because writing things down often makes them seem more real and final. This is a silly notion, with very little basis in fact, but silly notions are not uncommon to me. Yet here I am writing this down, or rather writing a long and boring introduction to delay the inevitable even further, so bullet bitten here I go.

The 9th of December will be my last day at Simulacra.

A couple of years ago that is a phrase I thought I would never be writing, a year ago it was something that I hoped would not have to come. Finally 6 months ago I realised that my time had come. At the 5 year mark and I had one of the silliest notions I have possibly ever had. I realised that where I was in my life, then and there, was the reality of the answer to the most popular question to ask someone in an interview, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?".

Silly notion to be sure, but one that stuck with me, that I couldn't shake. Amongst the many reasons for my leaving the top most is that I needed a change, a new challenge, something quite different.