Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A week training people...

I am spending the better part (depending on your point of view) of the week training other people to use our software. Tomorrow will be a group on non-technical people learning how they will be managing their new website. This is something a little new for me, I have never taken this many people through something before. We spent most of this evening setting up machines for them to use.

Slightly more interesting, and possibly less frustrating, will be Thursday, Friday and Monday when I am taking a group of developer through the technical details of openharmonise. They are going to building a new system on top of our software. Again a little new, because these are probably the most technical people I will have done this with.

So a week of training and new experiences for me. I do enjoy doing this type of work, but I think I am going to be a little tapped out by the end of it.

Also have to find a new flat somewhere in there...